Wednesday 28 August 2013

Buwan ng Wika



            The word "Daang Matuwid" is not new to us because our president Aquino. For him, this is the way to the progress of our country. Just like our language which is "FILIPINO", we can use this to achieve our goals or to achieve the true freedom of our country.

            As a Filipino citizen, its better to use our dialect than to use foreign languages its because this shows that I am proud that I am a Filipino. Yes, its not bad to use other languages but its not necessary that we use it even though we can use our own languages just like when we are talking with other person which can understand our language or know how to speak Filipino. In this way, we can say that our country is already has a freedom because using other languages specially English which is the one of the American influence to the Filipino is like saying that we are under the power of the Americans.

           As a Filipino individual. I can star this to myself. And you co-Filipino citizens, why don't you start making changes to your life and be proud of what we are, be proud of what we have and be proud as a Filipino.

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